Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data on the final tab. Thank you!


Patient Information
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Employment Status
Marital Status Employer / School Name
Misc/GuardianDrivers License #

Adult History


Only complete this Tab if the patient is 18 years of age or older.

Referral Information

How did you hear about our office? If you were referred, by whom?

Address: State: City: Zip:

If you were referred, would you like a report sent to this office? Fax: Phone:


Date of last evaluation:

If yes, Doctor's Name:

Has there been a previous eye/vision exam?

Reason for last exam:

Results and recommendations:

If glasses or contact lenses were prescribed and worn, how often?

If glasses or contact lenses were prescribed, but not used, why not?


What is the main reason you need a vision evaluation?

Who first noted the visual difficulties? How long has this problem/difficulty been observed?


After you consider each question, assign a number that best applies to the patient. Never = 0, Seldom = 1, Occasionally = 2, Frequently = 3, Always = 4.

Double Vision Omits small words while reading
Words run together while reading Skips / repeats lines while reading
Falls asleep reading Poor eye - hand coordination (handwriting, hand tools)
Car / motion sickness Misaligns digits / columns
Dizzy / nauseated with near work Clumsy / Knocks over things
Head tilt / Close one eye when reading Writes uphill or downhill
Avoids near work / reading Avoids sports / games
Does not judge distances accurately poor / inconsistent performance in sports
Trouble keeping attention on reading Reading comprehension down / decrease over time
Blur when looking at near Difficulty completing assignments on time
Sees worse at end of the day Difficulty with money concepts, making change
Headaches with near work (reading, writing) Does not manage time well
Burning, itchy, watery eyes Loses belongings / things
Difficulty copying from the board Forgetful / poor memory
Holds reading material close Says "I'cant" before trying

In addition, please indicate the following signs/symptoms:
Eye Teaming: Please select all that apply.
Eye Focusing: Please select all that apply:
Eye Tracking: please select all that apply.
Orientation: Please select all that apply.
Visual Perception and Cognition: Please select all that apply.

List any other complaints / concerns you have regarding your vision:


Primary Care Provider's Name:

Address: State: City: Zip:

Fax: Phone:

Are you generally healthy? If no, please explain:
Have you had or currently have any problems in the following areas:

Learning disabilities:
Cerebral Palsy:
Developmental delay:
Brain Injury: (if yes, please fill out ABI History Tab)
Seizure disorders:
High blood pressure:
Heart disease:
Kidney disease:
Thyroid disease:
Macular Degeneration:
Amblyopia (lazy eye): if yes, please fill out AMB History Tab
Strabismus (eye turn): If yes, fill out STRAB History TAB
Other (please explain):
Have your immediate family members had or currently have any problems in the following areas:

Please list all medications that you/your child currently uses - including over the counter medications, eye drops, vitamins/supplements - with the name and condition treated e.g. Atenolol (high blood pressure):
List any serious illnesses, bad falls, surgeries, immunization reactions, etc. with age and complications/outcomes:


How many hours per day are spent on screen time for work/school and play (i.e. TV, tablet, computer, smart phone, e-reader)?
Which sports do you play? Describe performance and any skill you wish to improve.
What other activities/hobbies do you enjoy?
Are there any activities you would like to participate in, but don't?


Current position: Major course of study:
Describe briefly your daily activities at work or school?
Do you feel achievement is up to potential in work or school? Do you feel you are getting adequate return for the amount of effort you put into a task?
How many hours per day are spent working at near distances (e.g. reading, writing)? Does your work or course of study demand comprehension from the written word?

Child History


Only complete this Tab if the patient is under 18 years of age.

How did you hear about our office? If you were referred, by whom?

Address: State: City: Zip:

If you were referred, would you like a report sent to this office? Fax: Phone:


Date of last evaluation: Has there been a previous eye/vision exam? If yes, Doctor's Name:
Reason for last exam:
Results and recommendations:

If glasses or contact lenses were prescribed and worn, how often?

If glasses or contact lenses were prescribed, but not used, why not?


What is the main reason your child needs a vision evaluation?

How long has this problem/difficulty been observed? Who first noted the visual difficulties?
List any other complaints/concerns you or your child makes regarding his/her vision:


After you consider each question, assign a number that best applies to the patient. Never = 0, Seldom = 1, Occasionally = 2, Frequently = 3, Always = 4.

Double Vision Omits small words while reading
Words run together while reading Skips / repeats lines while reading
Falls asleep reading Poor eye - hand coordination (handwriting, hand tools)
Car / motion sickness Misaligns digits / columns
Dizzy / nauseated with near work Clumsy / Knocks over things
Head tilt / Close one eye when reading Writes uphill or downhill
Avoids near work / reading Avoids sports / games
Does not judge distances accurately poor / inconsistent performance in sports
Trouble keeping attention on reading Reading comprehension down / decrease over time
Blur when looking at near Difficulty completing assignments on time
Sees worse at end of the day Difficulty with money concepts, making change
Headaches with near work (reading, writing) Does not manage time well
Burning, itchy, watery eyes Loses belongings / things
Difficulty copying from the board Forgetful / poor memory
Holds reading material close Says "I'cant" before trying

In addition, please indicate the following signs/symptoms:
Please note that near visual tasks for preschoolers include coloring, looking at books, and playing with toys. For children grades K-12, near visual tasks include reading, writing, and computer use.
Eye Teaming: Please select all that apply.
Eye Focusing: Please select all that apply:
Eye Tracking: please select all that apply.
Orientation: Please select all that apply.
Visual Perception and Cognition: Please select all that apply.

List any other complaints / concerns you have regarding your child's vision:


Primary Care Provider's Name:

Address: State: City: Zip:

Fax: Phone:

is your child generally healthy? If no, please explain:
Has your CHILD had or currently have any problems in the following areas:

Learning disabilities:
Cerebral Palsy:
Developmental delay:
Brain Injury: (if yes, fill out ABI History Tab)
Seizure disorders:
High blood pressure:
Heart disease:
Kidney disease:
Thyroid disease:
Macular Degeneration:
Amblyopia (lazy eye): If yes, fill out AMB History TAB
Strabismus (eye turn): If yes, fill out STRAB History TAB
Other (please explain):
Have your child's immediate family members had or currently have any problems in the following areas:

Please list all medications that you/your child currently uses - including over the counter medications, eye drops, vitamins/supplements - with the name and condition treated e.g. Atenolol (high blood pressure):
List any serious illnesses, bad falls, surgeries, immunization reactions, etc. with age and complications/outcomes:


Has an educational evaluation been performed?
Results: Date/By whom?

Has a neurological evaluation been performed?
Results: Date/By whom?

Has a psychological evaluation been performed?
Results: Date/By whom?

Has an occupational therapy evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?

Has a physical therapy evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?

Has a speech/hearing evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?


Delivery type? Pregnancy length? My child is:
Birth weight:

Describe any health problems the mother experiences during the pregnancy:

Describe any complications before, during, or immediately following delivery (vacuum, forceps, pitocin, oxygen deprivation, use of oxygen, etc.)?

Describe any concerns related to your child's growth or development?

At what age did your child crawl? Did your child crawl (stomach on the floor)?

At what age did your child creep? Did your child creep (on all fours)?

Did your child frequently walk on his/her toes? At what age did your child walk?

At what age did your child say his/her first words?

Is your child generally well-coordinated or clumsy? Did your child have difficulty learning to tie shoes or button clothes?

Child's dominant hand?


Classroom setting: Current grade: School:

Address: State: City: Zip:

Fax: Phone:

Would you like a report sent to the teacher? Teacher:
Would you like a report sent to the principal? Principal:

Would you like a report sent to the school specialist? School Specialist:

At what age did your child start kindergarten?

Has a grade been repeated?
If yes, which grade and why?

Least favorite subject(s): Favorite subject(s): Does your child like school?

What grade level does your child read at? Does your child read voluntarily or for pleasure? Does your child like reading?
Which school subjects are:

Above average:
Below average:

Has your child had special tutoring, therapy, and/or remedial assistance (e.g. IEP or 504)?
If yes, describe the type of assistance, how often it occurs, and for how long it has been going on.

To what extent is assistance needed with homework?
Does your child appear frustrated when doing school/homework?
Is a great deal of effort/time needed to maintain this level of performance? Overall academic performance is:

Does/Do the teacher(s) feel achievement is up to potential? Do you feel achievement is up to potential?


Are there any behavior problems at school or home?
If yes, please describe:


Is a special diet in place?
If yes, please describe: Are there any food allergies/sensitivities?
What is your child's attitude towards sweets?


How many hours per day does your child play computer/video games?

Which sports does your child play? Describe performance and any skill the child wishes to improve.

What other activities/hobbies does your child enjoy?

Are there any activities your child would like to participate in, but doesn't?


Please indicate which adult(s) your child lives with:

If yes, at what age(s): Has your child ever been through a traumatic family situation (e.g. parental loss or severe illness, divorce, separation)?

What situation?

Is family life stable at this time? If no, please explain: Does your child seem to have adjusted?


ABI History

AMB History

Only complete this Tab if the patient has a history of an acquired brain injury

Type of injury: Cause of injury: State where injury occurred: Date of injury:

What part of the head was affected?
Were you in a coma? Was there a loss of consciousness?
Symptoms immediately following the injury:
If yes, date range you were out of work: Did the injury occur at work?


When was the first doctor seen regarding your injury? Specialty:
Doctor's Name:
What were you and your family told? Was hospitalization required? If yes, for how long?
What did the initial treatments consist of?

What prognosis/recommendations were given?


Has a neurological evaluation been performed?
Results: Date/By whom?

Has a psychological evaluation been performed?
Results: Date/By whom?

Has an occupational therapy evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?

Has a physical therapy evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?

Has a speech/hearing evaluation been performed?
Results/Dates of Therapy: Date/By whom?


Do you feel your vision interferes with activities of daily living?

Is this new since the injury?

If yes, please explain (Please include effects involving home, work, hobbies, social, and personal relationships.):

What activities comprise the majority of your daily life since your injury?

What activities can you no longer engage in due to your visual or other difficulties?

What other changes/limitations in your daily life do you attribute to your injury?

What do you hope a Visual Rehabilitation Program can do for you?

What goals have you set up that you would like us to help you meet? What are your short term and long term goals?

AMB History

AMB History

Only complete this Tab if the patient has been diagnosed with amblyopia (lazy eye).

Is there family history of a decreased vision from a disease or other condition?
If yes, please explain:
Was there any related trauma, disease, or condition that preceded or accompanied the onset of the decreased vision?
If yes, please explain:
Is vision decreased despite an updated spectacle or contact lens prescription?
Was vision loss gradual or sudden? At what age was amblyopia diagnosed?

Is there an eye turn associated with the amblyopia? In which eye is the amblyopia?
Has treatment in the form of patching or eye drops ever been administered?
If yes, please explain, including the doctor's name, eye that was being patched and numbers of hours/day (or eye that was given drops and how often drops were administered), age at which treatment was started and stopped (if applicable).

Were any improvements noted?
Were you or your child resistant to patching? Were you satisfied with the results of this treatment?
Has there been any optometric vision therapy?
If yes, please explain, including the doctor's name, type of therapy, duration, age at which it started, age at which treatment was stopped, and estimation of results.

What are your vision goals? Please explain:

STRAB History

STRAB History

Only complete this Tab if the patient has been diagnosed with or you have observed the patient have a crossed or wandering eye.

What is your biggest concern about the eye turn?
If yes, please explain: Is there family history of an eye turn from a disease or other condition?
If yes, please explain: Are there any other health problems?
Was there any related trauma, disease, or condition that preceded or accompanied the onset of the eye turn?
If yes, please explain:
At what age was the eye turn first noticed/suspected?
Who first noticed/suspected the eye turn?

Did you ever notice one or both eyes shaking rapidly (nystagmus)? Did one pupil ever appear to be larger than the other?
Do you/ Does your child ever report seeing double?
If yes, the double vision is noticed when looking:
Is it always the same eye that turns? Which eye is turning?
If no, please explain under which conditions the turn is present (e.g. when tired, ill). Is the eye turn constant?
The eye turns more when looking: In which direction does the eye turn?
Does the eye turn less with glasses on? The eye turn is...
Has there been any surgical treatment?
If yes, please describe the surgery, including the doctor's name, age surgery was performed, the number of operations, the eye operated on, and the results.

If not, please explain: Were you satisfied with the results of surgery?
If not, please explain: Was the surgeon satisfied with the results of surgery?
Has there been any vision therapy?

If yes, please describe the type of therapy, including the doctor's name, duration, age which it was started, and estimation of results:

Are you here for a second opinion regarding surgery or further treatment?
What are your vision goals?

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