Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data using the button on the submit tab. Thank you!

Please fill out each tab of information. For children 17 years of age and under, fill out all tabs including the Pediatric Developmental History


Patient Information
Title First Last MI Suffix Nickname
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Employment Status
Marital Status Employer / School Name

Billing Information
Title First Last MI Suffix

City State ZipCode
Home Phone:
Work Phone:


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

Chief Complaints

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type in multiple items or your own text. Thank you!

Reason for Visit: Secondary Reasons:

Eye History

Do you currently have any of these symptoms?:
Do you take any of these eye medications?:
List any ocular injuries:
Have you had any eye surgeries? Please describe:
Last Eye Exam: By Doctor:

Primary Vision Correction:
Do you:    Have glasses? Wear time: Sunwear prescribed? Other optical devices:

Contact Lens Wearers only
Type of contacts worn in the past: Wear time:
Contact Lens replacement schedule:
Do you sleep in your contacts? How often?
Contact lens brand: Solution: Current supply:
How many contact do you have left? Do you need to order updated supply of contacts?

Family Eye History

Macular Degen: Glaucoma:
Retinal Detach: Cataracts:
Lazy/Crossed Eye: Blindness:
Myopia/Nearsighted: Eye turn/Strabismus: Other eye conditions:

Medical History

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type in multiple items or your own text. Thank you!

Patient Medical History
Medications: Over The Counter Medications:
Vitamins: Drug Allergies:
Please describe any injuries or surgeries you have had:

Primary Care Physician: Last Visit: Reason:
Pregnant Or Nursing: Recent Tetanus Shot: Recent Flu Immunization:

Do you have any of these medical conditions? If yes, please describe:

Other medical history:(Ear infections, high fevers, ect)
Diabetes: Year Diagnosed: Glucometry: A1C:

Family Medical History

Unknown family history

Does anyone in your family have any of these medical conditions?

Diabetes: Year Diagnosed: Glucometry: A1C:

Social History

Hobbies: STD's:

Smoking Status: Type: How Long:
Alcohol Use: Type: How Long:
Illegal Drug Use: Type: How Long

Race: Ethnicity: Preferred Language:

Review of Systems

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type in multiple items or your own text. Thank you!
General: Ear/Nose/Throat:
Skin: Cardiovascular:
Respiratory: Musculoskeletal:
Psychiatric: Gastrointestinal:
Endocrine: Blood/Lymph:
Neurological: Genitourinary:

Pediatric Developmental History

**This tab is only to be filled out for children 17 and under. Please fill out in addition to the other tabs**

Social/Other Information

Parent/Guardian Name:

Hobbies or sports:

Patient able to drive? Have visual difficulty driving? Have problems with night vision?

Work on a computer? Hours per day?

Birth/Pregnancy History

Delivery was: Your child was delivered:

Was vacuum or forceps used during pregnancy?

Where there problems during pregnancy? During delivery? During labor? Immediately following birth?
If yes please explain:

Birth weight: Pounds Ounces Apgar score(If known)

Developmental History

Meeting/met developmental milestones? Please explain:

Crawled by (age): Walked by (age): Handed:

Has your child ever had the following testing and/or therapy?:

Testing When Therapy
Medical special testing

Is the patient currently receiving therapies?

School Information

Name of childs school: Grade

1. Date entered kindergarten: Month: Year: Age:
Date entered first grade: Month: Year: Age:

2. Does your child enjoy school? Does your child like his/her teacher? Is school attendance regular?

Please explain:

3. Has your child ever repeated any grade? Grade:

4. In your opinion, what is your child's favorite school subject? Easiest subject? Hardest subject?

5.Has your child had any remedial work? If yes, when? In what subject? From whom?

6. Has your child changed schools or teachers? If yes, how often? When and why?

7. Is your child receiviing any special educational services? If yes, what is the service?

Myopia (Nearsighted)

Are the parents myopic/nearsighted?

Parent1 Prescription
Parent 2 Prescription

Patient race, Race is a factor in which plays a role as a risk factor in myopia devlopment:

How much near work(Anything within arm's reach, including any screens) does the patient do?

Schooling of patient?

Outdoor time per day? Not including orgnized sport:

Is the patient engaged in an organized sport?
Winer? Spring?
Summer? Fall?

Onset of myopia?

Age of first correction for myopia (glasses or contacts)

Have you ever tried methods of myopia control in the past?
