Patient information

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*This field is required

Billing information

If yes, please provide the billing address information below

Primary Medical Insurance

Primary Vision Insurance

Medical Information

Have You Received Any Of The Following Examinations? Check Any That Apply And Type In The Name Of The Provider.


FAMILY HISTORY - Unknown Family History

Mark Each BOX Yes Or No And Relationship To Who Has Seleceted Diseases To Indicate If Any Member Of Your Family Has Had These Diseases. Family History Includes Your Parents, GrandParents, Siblings, And Your Children

Social History

Developmental History


Head Injury / Stroke History

Policies, Consent, Submit Data

Assignment Of Insurance

* I , hereby assign and request that payment of all medical benefits be made to Center for Vision and Learning. I authorize the release of all medical and other information that is necessary to process claims. I understand that I am financially responsible for any and all non-covered charges incurred while under the care of said physician, including co-payments. It is also acknowledged that any unpaid balances may be subject to collections and is the responsibility of the guarantor.

Privacy Policy

**View HIPAA Patient Privacy Policy Form**

* I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices from Davidson Optometry, P.C.. I have listed individuals that are authorized to receive my protected health information. I am aware that I can revoke the authorization for any individual at any time, but must do so in writing.

The following individuals have my authorization to access my Protected Health Information