Patient information

*This field is required

*This field is required

*This field is required

Billing information

If yes, please provide the billing address information below

Primary Vision Insurance

Secondary Vision Insurance

Primary Medical Insurance

Secondary Medical Insurance

Please choose from the menu options or select the option to type in your own text. Thank you!

Medical History

Eye History

Do you:

Contact Lens Wearers only:

Medical History

Do you have any of these medical conditions?

Family Medical History

Does anyone in your family have any of these medical conditions?

Family Eye History

Does anyone in your family have any of these eye conditions?

Review Of Systems

Social History

OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index) Speed Test

Frequency Legend: (rate on a scale of 3: 0 = Never, 1 = Tolerable, 2 = Often, 3 = Consistant)
Severity Legend: (rate on a scale of 4: 0 = No Problems, 1 = Tolerable, 2 = Uncomfortable, 3 = Bothersome, 4 = Intolerable)

of Symptoms
of Symptoms
at This Visit

Within Past
72 Hours
Within Past
3 Months
Dryness, Grittiness, Scratchiness
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Soreness or Irritation
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Burning or Watering
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Eye Fatigue
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Fluctuating Vision
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

OSDI Legend: (rate on a scale of 4: 0 = Never, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Always)
Experienced In
The Following?
Limited In Performing
The Following?
In The Following?
Sensitivity To Light? Reading? Windy Conditions?
Gritty Feeling? Driving At Night? Low Humidity?
Painful Or Sore? Computer Use? Air Conditioning?
Blurred Vision? Watching TV? Poor Vision?