Online Patient Form

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After completing both tabs, please click the Submit button at the end of the Detailed History tab to send your data. Thank you!

Patient Information and Medical History

Thank you for using our secure online forms. Please fill out as much information as you can. When you are finished be sure to hit the submit button at the bottom of the Detailed History tab. If you have any questions, please call us at 541-342-3100. We can always change the data in the office if you are unsure about what to enter in any of the fields.

Patient Information

Patient Demographics

*required (first and last name and either a home OR cell phone)

City St  Zip
Hm Phone*
Cell Phone*
Wk Phone
Other Phone
Preferred Contact By
DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)  
Sex Female Male
Marital Status
Employment Status Employed FT Student PT Student
Family members with Lifetime Eye Care
Preferred Language

Who may we thank for referring you to our office?  

Billing Information

Is The Billing Address the Same?

City St  Zip
Hm Phone  
Wk Phone

General Medical History

General Medical History

Primary physician's name and phone  
When was your last physical exam?

Check the box for any conditions that apply:

You Mom Dad Sib None Describe (type, when were you diagnosed, etc)
If YOU are diabetic, when were you diagnosed?    Last A1C level? 
Are you Pregnant or Nursing?  
List ALL major injuries or surgeries you have had and approx dates (e.g. brain injury, concussion, whiplash, etc):
List any other medical conditions you have had, including non-drug allergies (e.g. autism, developmental delays, etc):
List all Rx and over-the-counter medications you currently take:
List any vitamins or supplements you currently take:
List any drug allergies you have:
Smoking Status
Alcohol Use
Do you live alone?  

Review of Systems

Please list any problems you are currently having anywhere, from head to toe:

General (e.g., fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss/gain)
Ear, Nose, Throat (e.g., sinus/nasal congestion, nose bleeds, dry mouth/throat, sleep apnea, hearing problems)
Cardiovascular (e.g., chest pain, racing heartbeat, swollen feet/ankles, TIAs)
Respiratory (e.g., chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing)
Genital, Kidney, Bladder (e.g., bladder/urinary problems, pain, discharge, menstrual changes, impotence)
Gastrointestinal (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, gastric reflux (GERD), jaundice, nausea, vomiting)
Endocrine (e.g., heat or cold intolerance, thinning hair, excess thirst, excess urination)
Muscles, Bones, Joints (e.g., pain, stiffness, swelling, weakness, limited movements)
Skin (e.g., dry, rash, growths, rosacea, MRSA infection)
Neurological (e.g., headaches, numbness/tingling, tremors, poor balance, dementia, speech problems)
Psychiatric (e.g., depression, anxiety, sleep problems, paranoia, obsessive/compulsive)
Blood/Lymph (e.g., anemia, bleeding gums, delayed clotting, unexplained bruising)
Allergy/Immune (e.g., swollen lymph nodes, itching, sneezing, runny nose/eyes)

Ocular History

Who was your previous eye doctor?  
When was your last eye exam?

Check the box for any conditions that apply:

You Mom Dad Sib None For YOU describe (type, when you were diagnosed, which eye(s), treatment,etc)
Macular Degeneration
Retinal problems
Lazy Eye/Eye Turn
List any major eye injuries, infections or surgeries and approx dates:
List any other significant eye problems you have had:
List all Rx and over-the-counter eye medications you currently use:
List any vision complaints you are currently having such as:
  • blurred vision, headaches, eyestrain, double vision, loss of vision, dizziness or losing your place when reading
  • itching, burning, redness, pain, sensitivity to light, watering, crusting or mucus discharge
  • seeing rainbows around white lights at night, flashes of light or dark spots/squiggles/webs
How many hours/day do you typically spend using a computer or other digital devices?
If you are having complaints with computer work, how far is the monitor from your eyes? 
How many hours/day do you typically spend reading books, magazines, etc?
What are your hobbies/sports activities?
Do you have sunglasses?
Do you have back-up glassess?
Are you interested in contacts?
Contact Lens Wearers Only
What disinfecting solution do you use?
How long do you usually wear your lenses?
How often do you replace your lenses?
How old is your current pair of contacts?

*** Please open the Detailed History tab, complete any section which applies to you and click the SUBMIT button to send your data. Thank you! ***

Detailed History

Please choose from the menu options or select "OTHER" to type your answer. Thank you!

Additional History Forms
Please complete any of the following that apply to you:


Pediatric History
Birth Complications involving prematurity, NICU, forceps, fetal drug or alcohol exposure, etc.:
Special Circumstances such as adoption (age), foster child, developmental concerns, etc.:

Creeped at age: Walked at age:

Unusual motor development:

Dominant hand for:       Eating Throwing Hammering Writing
Dominant hand for:       Hopping Kicking Toe drawing

Performance compared to peers:

Early speech clear? Current speech clear?

Did your child require any special developmental testing?

School Related History
Grade School

Age at entrance into:      Preschool: Kindergarten: First Grade:

Regular attendance? Grade repeated? Which?

Describe special classes, tutoring, IEP:

Academic performance: Working harder than expected based on potential:

Easier subjects:
Harder subjects:

Difficulty learning to read? Reading comfortable and efficient? Enjoys reading?
Prefers to be read to: Learning difficulty:

Reading / Computer Symptom Checklist:
Eye fatigue
Eye discomfort
Feel sleepy when reading
Loose concentration
Trouble remembering what was read
Double vision
Words move on the page
Read slowly
Experience a pulling feeling around eyes
Words blur out of focus
Loss of place
Re-read lines
Close one eye
Head Movement
Poor comprehension
Head too close to paper
Difficulty tracking moving objects
Writing is crooked or poorly spaced
Misaligns digits or columns
Errors copying
Avoid near work
Difficulty completing work in allotted time
Reverse letters, numbers or words
Confuse similar looking words
Fail to recognize the same word in the next sentence
Poor spelling
Confuse right and left
Difficulty with sequences of directions
Whispers when reading silently
Comprehension decreases over time

Brain Injury History
Date of the event (accident, illness, injury, stroke, etc.):

Briefly describe the brain injury (stroke, head trauma, right or left brain injury, whiplash, concussion, accident, etc.)
Describe any previous brain injury and date
What rehabilitation therapy have you received for this injury?
What are your most significant vision concerns at this time?

Please check if any symptoms below are present from before or only after the injury:

Pain in or around eyes
Visual headache
Decreased blink rate
Distorted vision
Tendency to stare
Frequent squinting or excessive blinking
Unusual head tilt or head turn
Difficulty understanding what is seen
Difficulty recognizing words
Difficulty recognizing faces
Difficulty finding objects when grouped together
Memory problems
Difficulty reading (complete READING / COMPUTER SYMPTOM CHECKLIST)
Dizziness or motion sickness (Complete DIZZINESS / MOTION SENSITIVITY CHECKLIST)
Difficulty focusing one or both eyes
Tendency to close one eye to see clearly
Vision appears unstable or shifts from eye to eye
Difficulty judging depth
Portions of a page or objects appear to be missing
People or things suddenly appear unexpectedly from one side
Looking to the side of objects to see them better
Tunnel vision
Difficulty concentrating on visual tasks
Discomfort in crowded areas with a lot of background motion
Difficulty maintaining eye contact

Dizziness / Motion Sensitivity Checklist
Nausea or dizziness when reading in the car even on a STRAIGHT road
Nausea or dizziness when sitting close to a movie or watching motion
Nausea or dizziness when shopping or moving through crowds of people
Busy background patterns or background movement bothers you
Hyper-sensitive to light (outside, store lights, tend to wear sunglasses even on cloudy days)
Flickering lights bother you (light through trees)
Unusual fear of heights

Sports Vision History
Do you wear prescription while playing your sport (glasses or contact lenses)?
Do you ever experience blur or double vision? Under what conditions / at what distance / during your sport?
How is your game? How would you like to improve? Can you present specific examples?
How would you describe the consistency of your game? Does your performance deteriorate as the game goes on? Are there big differences in your game from day to day? Is there a difference in your performance from day to night? Or a difference during a tournament?
Do you feel your vision interferes with your game? If so, can you describe specific examples?
How is your ability to keep your eye on the ball? (Or other moving target / object) Please give an example
Is there a fluctuation in your vision when looking from one spot to another or when you are moving?
How would you describe your performance in critical situations under stress?
How do you feel vision is important in your sport?
Do you use visualization / imagery techniques? If yes, please describe. Would you like to further develop this skill?
Have you ever suffered a head injury, been hit in the head, or incurred a concussion or whiplash?

Please click the submit button to complete your online forms. Thank you!