Before you click submit, please click through to the "Initial Referral" or "6 Month Follow-Up" tabs at the top to fill in the corresponding data.
Are there any pertinent details you would like us to know?
Are there any specialty care patients you would like for us to send your way?
Please kindly ask your patient to save our number: (626) 921-0199 as: "Lumen Referral Doctor" And please instruct them that they will be receiving a text and an email to schedule a complimentary consultation.
*Once we initiate treatment, we will send a post-treatment report and the patient will be sent back to you for ongoing comprehensive care, while we only manage the specialty care.
Thank you for your comanaged care! At this point, please pre-appoint your patient for their annual comprehensive examination at your office.
Patients are encouraged to order backup glasses at your office for nights when they do not have the opportunity to sleep in the lenses.
A -1.00DS Rx will suffice.