Online Patient Form

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After completing all the forms, please submit your data on the final tab. Thank you!


Patient Information
City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Other Phone: Alerts:
Cell Phone: Preferred Contact Method:
SSN Email
Birthday Occupation
Sex Employment Status
Marital Status Employer / School Name
Misc/GuardianDrivers License #


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:


Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance Plan:
Insurance ID:
Insurance Policy Group:
Not Primary on Account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First, MI
Relationship to Insured:
City: State: Zip:
Phone Number:

ADULT History

If you are new to our office, please share with us how you found us.

Do you...? (Check all that apply)
wear prescription glasses?
wear contact lenses? If so, what kind? Solution used:
experience discomfort with your contacts?
use over-the-counter eye drops?
use reading glasses?
work at a computer? If so, approximately how many hours a day?

Are you interested in getting a contact lens evaluation today? (Additional fees apply)

What is your occupation?

What are your hobbies?

What specific problems do you have with your vision, eyes, glasses, or contact lenses that you would like to discuss with the doctor today?


Date of Last Eye Exam: Previous Eye Doctor:

In the past 6 months, have you experienced any of the following? (Please check all that apply)
Blurry Vision
Eye turn
Double Vision
Flashes of light
Floaters/seeing spots
Eye Injury/Trauma
Eye Fatigue
Sensitivity to light
Red eyes
Itching/burning eyes
Dry Eye
Watery eyes

Other eye problems/issues:

Do you have a family history of any of the following? (Please check all that apply and list which family member, including maternal or paternal side of the family, if known)
Eye Disease
Macular Degeneration
Strabismus/Eye Turn
Thyroid Condition
Heart Disease
Autoimmune Disease


Primary Physician: Pharmacy:

CURRENT MEDICATIONS (Please list ALL medications including eye drops and supplements)

Please list any ALLERGIES to medications.

Please list any surgeries, including eye surgeries.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please check the box beside any condition you currently have, or have had in the following areas:

CONSTITUTIONAL: Fatigue Weight gain Weight Loss

EARS, NOSE, MOUTH & THROAT: Hearing Loss Sinus Infection/Problems Dry Mouth/Throat

CARDIOVASCULAR: High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Heart Disease/Heart Attack Congestive Heart Failure

RESPIRATORY: Asthma COPD Emphysema Chronic Cough

GENITOURINARY: Bladder or Kidney Problems Ovarian/Uterine Cancer Prostate Cancer


MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis Joint Pain Muscle Pain

INTEGUMENTARY (SKIN): Cancer Eczema Rashes

ENDOCRINE:Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid

NEUROLOGICAL: Headaches/Migraines Seizures Stroke Alzheimer's

HEMATOLOGIC / LYMPHATIC: Anemia Breast Cancer Bleeding/Clotting Problems

PSYCHIATRIC: Depression Anxiety Mood disorder

ALLERGIC / IMMUNOLOGIC: Seasonal Allergies

If you checked any of the boxes above or have a condition not listed, please explain further:

Are you pregnant or nursing? If pregnant, how many weeks?

Are you a smoker?
Do you drink alcohol? If yes, how often/much:
Do you use other substances? If yes, what type/how often/amount:

OPTIONAL Demographic Information: (This information if obtained for reporting purposes only)

Race: Ethnicity:

Remember to go to the final SUBMIT tab to send your forms. Thank You!

CHILD History

If you are new to our office, please share with us how you found us.

Is this your child by: Birth Adoption Step Child

Parent(s) Name(s): Parent SSN:
Parent(s) Occupation(s):

Child's Grade Level: School:

Does your child...? (Check all that apply)
wear prescription glasses?
wear contact lenses? If so, what kind? Solution used:
experience discomfort with contacts?
have a rapidly increasing prescription?
participate in sports?

Are you considering contact lenses for your child?
(Additional fees apply)

What specific concerns regarding your child's vision would you like to discuss with the doctor today?

How long has this problem/difficulty been observed?


Date of Last Eye Exam: Previous Eye Doctor:

In the past 6 months, has your child experienced any of the following? (Please check all that apply)
Blurry Vision Amblyopia/"Lazy Eye"
Double Vision Eye turn
Headaches Eye Injury/Trauma
Sensitivity to light Red eyes
Eye Fatigue Dry Eye
Itching/burning eyes Color Blindness
Difficulty Reading Reversals

Other eye problems/issues:

Do you have a family history of any of the following? (Please check all that apply)
Blindness Eye Disease
Glaucoma Heart Disease
Macular Degeneration Brain Tumor
Diabetes Strabismus/Eye Turn
Thyroid Condition Learning Disability
Epilepsy/Seizures Autoimmune Disease


Primary Physician:

CURRENT MEDICATIONS (Please list ALL medications including eye drops and supplements)

Please list any ALLERGIES to medications (including topical medications):

Premature birth? Any complications during pregnancy?
If yes, please describe:

Shown normal development? Had physical/developmental therapy?

Please list any surgeries, including eye surgeries.

Please list serious illnesses, bad falls, etc.:

Has your child ever been diagnosed or treated for any of the following health conditions?
(Please check all that apply)
Type 1 Diabetes Seizures Depression
Type 2 Diabetes Stroke Anxiety
Hyperthyroid Asthma Mood disorder
Hypothyroid Headaches/Migraines Autoimmune Disorder
Skin lesions/rashes/eczema Seasonal allergies Cancer

If your child has any other health conditions not listed above, please include those here:


Does your child use an Ipad/tablet in the classroom?

How much screen time does your child get per day?

Does your child have a 504 plan or I.E.P. at school?

Has your child had extra help or tutoring in school?

Has a grade been repeated? If so, which?

How would you describe your child's reading ability?
Does he/she like to read for fun?

School/after-school activities your child is involved in:

Do you feel your child is achieving up to potential?

OPTIONAL Demographic Information: (This information if obtained for reporting purposes only)

Race: Ethnicity:

If your child is scheduled for our DEVELOPMENTAL EVALUATION, please continue to the next section, if not remember to go to the final SUBMIT tab to send your forms. Thank You!


Symptom Checklist
Has your child or anyone observing your child ever noticed the following? (Please check all that apply)
Headaches following reading/computer work Reverses letters, numbers or words
Eyes hurt after close work Difficulty tracking moving objects
Feel unusually tired after completing a task Squints, closes, or covers an eye
Unusual blinking Unusual posture/head tilt with near work
Unusual eye rubbing Avoids near tasks
Dry eyes Loses awareness of surroundings when concentrating
Watery eyes Motion/car sickness
Blurry at distance when looking up from near Complete this section only if your child is a reader:
Print seems to move or go in and out of focus Skips words while reading/copying
Crooked and/or poorly spaced handwriting Loses place while reading/copying
Misaligns letters and/or numbers Skips lines while reading/copying
Makes errors when copying Rereads words or lines
Poor spelling skills Poor reading comprehension
Dislikes tasks requiring sustained concentration Holds head too close when reading/writing
Confuses right and left directions Letters/lines "run together" or "jump"
Restlessness when working at a desk (2491) Feels sleepy when reading
Poor concentration abilities Uses finger as a marker when reading
Unusual clumsiness Reads slowly
Difficulty with eye-hand coordination Vocalizes when reading silently
Short attention span/loses interest Difficulty recognizing the same word on a different page

Has an IEP or similar school evaluation been performed? Were accommodations recommended?
If yes, please describe the program and results:

Has a speech or language evaluation been performed? Was speech therapy recommended?
If yes, please describe the patient age and results:

Has an occupational therapy evaluation been performed? Was occupational therapy recommended?
If yes, please describe the patient age and results:

Has a neurological or psychological evaluation been performed? By whom?
Please describe the results and recommendations:

Has a vision therapy evaluation been performed? By whom? Was vision therapy recommended?
If yes, please describe the program and results:

Please indicate which adult(s) he/she lives with: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Grandmother Grandfather
Other Caretaker

Are there other children at home?

Has your child ever been through a traumatic family situation (such as divorce, parental loss, severe parental illness, separation)?
If yes, at what age? Does your child seem to have adjusted? Is family life stable at this time?
If no, please explain:

Please give a brief description of your child as a person and add any additional information you feel would be helpful in our treatment of your child.

Remember to go to the final SUBMIT tab to send your forms. Thank You!

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