Patient Form

STEP 1--Demographics



City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Other Phone:
Preferred Contact Method:
Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy)
Sex Male Female
Marital Status
Employment Status Employed Full-Time Student Part-Time Student
Employer/School Name
Parent/Guardian (only if under 18 or have a power of attorney)
Billing Information Check box if The Billing Address is the Same

Home Phone:
Work Phone:

STEP 2--Vision Insurance

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance ID Number:
Insurance Group Number:
Check if you are not the primary person on the account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First MI
Patient's Relationship to Member:Spouse Child Other
Member's Sex: Male Female
Member's Address:
City: State: Zip:
Member's Phone Number:
Member's Birthday:
Member's Employer:

STEP 3--Medical Insurance

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance ID Number:
Insurance Group Number:
Check if you are not the primary person on the account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First MI
Patient's Relationship to Member:Spouse Child Other
Member's Sex: Male Female
Member's Address:
City: State: Zip:
Member's Phone Number:
Member's Birthday:
Member's Employer:

STEP 4--Secondary Insurance

Insurance Information
Insurance Name:
Insurance ID Number:
Insurance Group Number:
Check if you are not the primary person on the account: Not Primary
Primary on Account
Name:Last, First MI
Patient's Relationship to Member:Spouse Child Other
Member's Sex: Male Female
Member's Address:
City: State: Zip:
Member's Phone Number:
Member's Birthday:
Member's Employer:

STEP 5--Medical History

Please select any problems you may have from the drop downs below (select one per box, add your own to the last box if not listed).

Please list any Injuries, Surgeries, and/or Hospitalizations
Height feet inches
Weight pounds
Are you Pregnant Or Nursing?:
Have you had a Tetanus Shot within the past 5 years?:
Did you receive this year's flu shot?:
Primary Care Physcian: Dr. Last Visit: Reason For Visit:
Please list any Vitamins you take:
Please list any Over-The-Counter Medications:
Please list your current Prescription Medications (including doses): No Current Medications
Please list all drug allergies: No Known Drug Allergies
ANSWER THIS LINE ONLY IF DIABETIC -- Last Blood Sugar Reading: When Taken? Last HbA1C Reading: When Taken?
ANSWER THIS LINE ONLY IF DIABETIC -- What Year Were You Diagnosed With Diabetes?
Smoking Status: Type: How Long:
Alcohol Use: Type: How Long:
Illegal Drug Use: Type: How Long:
History of STD:
Preferred Language:  Ethnicity:   Race: 

FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY (Please answer each one)
Please select your closest blood relative from the drop downs below for any relevant condition (plese select None if not relevant).
Diabetes: Hypertension:
High Cholesterol: Heart Disease:
Thyroid Disease: Kidney Disease:
Lupus: Arthritis:
Asthma: Cancer:
COPD: Back Problems:
Headaches: Inflammatory Bowel Disease:
Seizure Disorder:

Please select if you have or had any of the following symptoms (please select yes, no, or unsure for every question):
Blurry Distance Vision Blurry Near Vision
Cataracts Macular Degeneration
Glaucoma Retinal Detachment
Retinal Disease/Disorder Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Strabismus (Eye Turn) Dryness
Redness Burning/Stinging
Itching Excess tearing/watering eyes
Sandy/Gritty feeling Glare/Light sensitivity
Mucous discharge Tired eyes
Night Vision Problems Flashes of Light
Floaters Color Vision Problems
Distorted Vision/Halos Double Vision
Drooping Eyelid Chronic Eye Infections
Eye Pain Sties/Chalazion
Prominant Eyes Loss of Side Vision
Are your symptoms related to the following environmental conditions?
Windy conditions , Places with low humidity (e.g. airplanes, hospitals) , Areas that are air conditioned/heated

Do you use?
Nutritional supplements (e.g. flaxseed/fish oil, omega-3) Contact lenses
Over-the-counter eye drops such as artificial tears Prescription eye drops for Dry Eye Syndrome (e.g. Restasis)
Prescription eye drops for Glaucoma (e.g. Xalatan, Timolol) Prescription or over-the-counter eye drops for Allergy (e.g. Pataday, Alaway)

Are you taking any of the following medications?
Antihistamines / decongestants (Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Sudafed) Antidepressents or anti-anxiety (Paxil, Prosac, Xanax, etc.)
Oral corticosteroids (Prednisone, etc.) Hormone replacement therapy or estrogen (Premarin, etc.)
Antihypertensives / blood pressure (e.g. diuretic, beta-blockers) Accutane or other oral treatment for acne

Have you ever been diagnosed with Dry Eye Disease or Ocular Surface Disease? ,

Have you ever had punctal occlusion (punctal plugs)?

Have you had or are you considering Refractive Surgery (LASIK)?

Please list your current Eye Medications
Last Eye Doctor: Last Eye Exam:
Primary Vision Correction: 
Are you planning to get new glasses? 
Do you have back up glasses? 
Brand of Contacts currently wearing / worn in the past, Right Eye:
Brand of Contacts currently wearing / worn in the past, Left Eye:
Wear Time: 
Contact solution used:
How often do you sleep in contacts?:
How happy are you with your current contacts?:
How often do you replace your CL's?:
What type of sun protection do you wear?
When are you bothered by glare:  

FAMILY OCULAR HISTORY (Please answer each one. Select closest relative if more than one.)
Glaucoma: Crossed / Lazy Eye:
Retinal Detachment: Macular Degeneration:

GENERAL: Fever, weight loss, weight gain, fatigue?
EAR, NOSE, THROAT: Allergies, Sinus, Cough, Dry Mouth / Throat
CARDIOVASCULAR: High BP, Heart Surgery, Vascular Disease
RESPIRATORY: Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, COPD
GENITAL, KIDNEY, BLADDER: Kidney Stones, Frequent Urination, impotence
MUSCLES, BONES, JOINTS: Arthritis, Joint Pains, Head or Neck Injury
SKIN: growths, rashes, acne
NEUROLOGICAL: Headaches, migraines, seizures
PSYCHIATRIC: Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
ENDOCRINE: Thyroid, Diabetes
BLOOD/LYMPH: Anemia, cholesterol, bleeding problems
ALLERGIC / IMMUNOLOGIC: Seasonal Allergies, Rheumatoid, M.S., Lupus, HIV
GASTROINTESTINAL: Diarrhea, Constipation, Ulcer, Reflux

STEP 6--Submit Data

After Completing Demographics, Vision Insurance, Medical Insurance, Secondary Insurance, and Medical History Tabs, Click Submit Data in the Submit Data Tab