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Thank you for using our secure online form. Please fill out as much information a you can. When you are finished
be sure to hit the submit button at the bottom of the form. If you have any questions, please call us at (425) 455-0001.
We can always change the data in the office if you are unsure about what to enter in any of the fields.


City: State/ZipCode
Home Phone: (numbers only)
Work Phone: (numbers only)
Other Phone: (numbers only)
Cell Phone: (numbers only)
Preferred Contact Method:
Marital Status
Primary Doctor
Billing Information Is The Billing Address Different?

Home Phone:
Work Phone:

Patient Information

Do you wear glasses: Full-time Part-time
If part-time, how often/when?
I wear my contacts: Full-time Part-time
If part-time, how often/when?
Soft Rigid Gas Permeable
Current Brand:
Are your lenses comfortable? Yes No
How old is your current pair?
What is your replacement schedule?
What solution do you use?
Please list all eyedrops you use (OTC and Rx):
How often used?
Other eye disease or condition
Describe any visual symptoms from computer use:
How many hours a day do you use a computer?
List any eye surgeries:
Describe any eye injuries:

Physician's Name: Fax # Last Visit Date:

Preferred Pharmacy: Fax#


Constitutional (e.g., fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss/gain)

Ears, Nose, Throat (e.g., sinus/nasal congestion, nose bleeds, dry mouth/throat, sleep apnea, hearing problems)

Cardiovascular (e.g., chest pain, racing heartbeat, sollen feet/ankles, TIAs)

Respiratory (e.g., chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, asthma)

Gastrointestinal (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, gastric reflux(GERD), jaundice, nausea, vomiting)

Genital, Kidneys, Bladder (e.g., bladder/urinary problems. pain, discharge, menstrual changes)

Muscles, Bones, Joints(e.g., pain, stiffness, swelling, weakness, limited movement)

Skin (e.g., dry, itchy, flaky, rash, growths, bumps, redness, discoloration)

Neurological (e.g., headaches, numbness/tingling, tremors, poor balance, dementia, speech problems)

Psychiatric (e.g.,depression, anxiety, sleep problems, paranoia, obsessive/compulsive)

Endocrine (e.g., heat or cold intolerance, thinning hair, excess thirst, excess urination)

Blood/Lymph (e.g., anemia, bleeding gums, delayed clotting, unexplained bruising)

Allergic/Immunologic (e.g., swollen lymph nodes, itching, sneezing, runny nose/eyes)

List all medications you are currently taking (including any OTC/vitamins):

No Meds

Drug Allergies:

No Drug Allergies

Pregnant/ nursing? Yes No Due/birth date?


Personal and Family History

Family history is unknown/adopted
Self Mother FatherSiblingDescribe
Eye turn (Strabismus)
Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Macular Degeneration
Retinal Detachment/Disease
High Blood Pressure
Thyroid Disease
High Cholesterol
Other Inherited Disease

Height ft. in., Weight: lbs.

Eye Color

For Diabetics

Date of Diagnosis: Time in Range (TIR): A1C:

Endocrinologist: Fax#:


How often do you consume alcohol?

Smoking Status:

Do you have? STDs HIV Hepatitis



Preferred Language:

Occupation: Employer:

Who referred you to our office?

If not referred, how did you hear about The Eyecare Center?

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